Fight against cellulite
How to fight against cellulite
Cellulite is a common problem, especially in women (the famous capiton).
It affects thin or overweight women.
Cellulite needs to be differentiated from obese fat.
The preferred areas are the buttocks and thighs, but it also fits behind the arms or on the hips.
Different types of cellulite exist depending on the amount of fat (adiposis), water retention and fibrosis :
– Fat cellulite, soft, painless to the touch.
– Aqueous cellulite, often linked to circulation disorders (feeling of heavy legs).
– Fibrous cellulite, hard and painful to the touch.
These different types can be found in the same person.
Each type of cellulite can benefit from a treatment which acts preferentially on fat mass, water retention or fibrosis.
– On fat, a technique of choice today is lipocryolysis, the use of cold to get rid of fat cells.
– On water retention, palpate-roll massage techniques (manual or using lipomassage), lymphatic drainage (pressotherapy) and local topicals containing draining substances have proven their worth.
– On fibrosis, the palpate-roll massage can have an action, as can certain cosmetic products.
The treatment depends on the type of cellulite, its stage and its extent.
Our solutions to fight against cellulite :
– Palpate-roll (manual massage)
– Cellu M6 Alliance LPG,
– HIFU Focused Ultrasound,
– Lipocryolysis,
– Ultrasound coupled with radio frequency (Exilis Elite ®)