Losing my curves
How to lose my curves
The curves are localized fatty deposits which group together numerous areas of the body :
– The belly
– Hips
– The creases at the armpits
– The folds under the straps of the bra
– Arms
– Thighs
– Knees
These clumps are due to an overload of fat cells.
The fatty mass must be differentiated from cellulite.
The fat is anchored in a very localized place, it tends to fibrose.
So the treatment for a roundness will be different from that chosen for a diffuse cellulite all over the body.
If a poor diet remains an important factor, we must also look for poor lymphatic drainage.
Women seem to be more affected than men.
The management of fatty deposits very localized by the only diet is often illusory because you never lose where you want.
This is why aesthetic medicine has provided solutions to lose these fatty deposits without having to resort to surgery.
The practice of sport as well as a balanced nutrition are complementary elements which reinforce the effect of these techniques.
Our solutions to lose your curves :
– Lipocryolysis, the technique of choice for localized fat
– Ultrasound coupled to radio frequency (Exilis Elite®)
– Cellu M6 Alliance LPG,
– HIFU Focused Ultrasound