Having a flat stomach
How to have a flat belly
Weight loss, we all dream about it!
Today lipocryolysis has revolutionized the management of localized fats.
The destruction of fat cells by cold is an easy and painless technique.
The indications must be well posed because if the fats are deep or are part of an obesity table, this technique will not give good results.
The skin of the belly can also be loosened, for example after a pregnancy or a significant weight loss.
In these cases, the method of choice will be radio frequency coupled with ultrasound to tighten the skin and lose deep fat.
Of course, an adapted sports activity and a healthy diet are also on the flat stomach program.
Our solutions for a flat stomach:
– Cellu M6 Alliance LPG,
– HIFU Focused Ultrasound,
– Lipocryolysis,
– Ultrasound coupled with radio frequency (Exilis Elite ®)